The importance of the ingredients in our cooking is paramount, when relating to our overall health and wellbeing, so the provenance and journey of our food plays a large part in knowing what to buy and where to shop.

Lidl defines itself by championing the suppliers who provide their goods, and this series showcases the extremely hard working farmers who sell their beef and milk to the supermarket chain.

With technological advances continuing to push our working evolution, the younger generation of farmers are now more often likely to look for careers away from the fields and long days, in favour of a more modern approach to work.

Continuing a family farming legacy, the young farmers are essential to maintaining the long-standing traditions we have in Great Britain, but now more than ever, the pull to take a different route from their parents is increasingly desirable.

Over a number of different visits, I made these images of farming families around the country, set against stunning rural backdrops, where parents and grandparents alike are imparting their years-long knowledge to the next wave of farmers.

Client: Lidl UK

Art director: Ali Davidson

  • Lidl Suppliers: Beef and Dairy