Public 6-sheet poster campaign for Square, advertising their new Terminal, an all-in-one transaction device allowing retailers of all sizes to take payments, print receipts and serve customers at the table-side.

Shot at two vendors in central London currently using Square's system, we worked alongside a film crew who shot new content for updated versions of the hugely successful TV spot, 'Thing-Ummy-Bob', from 2018.

With limited time and access in the locations, my team worked quickly and efficiently to set the scenes, light the spaces and capture what we needed to create these new ads. 

Client: Square Inc.

Agency: Gyro: UK

AD: Wayne Jordan

CW: Ian Cawley

CD: David Curzon

Production: Floating Pictures

Assistants: Dominic Hawgood and Daniele Colucciello

Retouching: The Forge

  • Square: All in One